Economic Development and Sustainability  


EDS strives to create economic opportunities to empower our
shareholders and strengthen the resiliency and self sustainability
of our communities through bold, innovative solutions.


At EDS, we see our shareholders thriving economically,
connected to the world, and empowered to
live the best life possible.

Economic Development and Sustainability

NANA plays an important role in creating socioeconomic stability in Northwest Alaska due to the 1976 merger of ten Alaska Native village corporations with NANA.

The legacy of cooperation, collaboration and vision of a shared destiny is evident in the work of NANA’s Economic Development & Sustainability (EDS) department. The EDS department strives to create a thriving regional economy with sustainable villages at its heart, using NANA resources to promote self-sufficiency and build local capacity in Northwest Alaska.

Significant achievements and strategic advancements have marked NANA’s journey through today. As we move forward, we do so with a clear purpose and a deep sense of responsibility to create long-term value for our shareholders while strengthening the communities we serve. 

Village Economic Investments (VEI) 

The Village Economic Investments (VEI) began in 2009 leading to various infrastructure projects to benefit shareholders and villages in the NANA region. To date, NANA VEI grant funds, through the EDS Department, have funded 112 projects worth over $23 million. Overall, the NANA board of directors approved $34 million – a $3 million per village allocation for economic development programs and infrastructure projects. 

This includes shareholder fuel subsidies; heating maintenance training and wages to support a regional home heating maintenance program; hunter support; bulk fuel tank farm assessments; and a feasibility study for a regional bulk fuel purchase program. 

Broadband Project 

In 2023, the EDS department secured $68.4 million under the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program to deploy middle-mile fiber broadband infrastructure regionally. The project will bridge the digital divide, improving access to healthcare, education and economic opportunities through state-of-the-art internet connectivity. Learn more here: NANA Regional Broadband Network.

Atautchikun LLC  

To aid us in achieving our mission, NANA established Atautchikun LLC, a public benefit corporation, in April 2023. Atautchikun allows NANA to access a broader range of grants and funding avenues to advance economic growth opportunities, sustainability, alternative energy projects and infrastructure development for shareholders and regional communities.